My Running Story
It started with me running from something. When I got to college, I found myself with a lot of free time and a lot of questions. So I started running. I didn’t know it would become my biggest passion in life, and I certainly didn’t start with a healthy relationship to the sport. I ran my first marathon when I was 19 years old in 5:02, and I was running for all the wrong reasons.
Over the past decade, I’ve slowly built up my confidence in running and in my capacity to do hard things. I’ve become stronger mentally, physically, and emotionally. 5 years after running my first marathon, I felt ready to attempt it again. I ran the Brooklyn Marathon ‘22 in 3:31 and NYC ‘23 in 3:12, and we’re just getting started.
I didn’t run in high school and I didn’t run in college. You don’t need a collegiate background to be a successful runner as an adult. Anyone can get faster, including you, if you are willing to commit to the scientific process of training and recovery. Nothing I will ask you to do is random, it will all be data driven.
I’m currently on the quest to break the 3-hour mark in the marathon. I am passionate about using running as a medium to push my limits and to do things I truly could have never imagined were possible. This passion extends to all distances of running. Running shorter, faster races is equally as impressive, and arguably more difficult than running longer races. I try to race short distances as often as I can because I believe in being a well-rounded runner.
Running has given me more than I could ever put into words. It has given me a safe space, mental clarity, confidence, community, and a life long love for the sport. I hope I can share that love with you. If you do choose to train with me, be prepared to work hard and fall in love with the process.
If I sound passionate, it’s because I am! Thank you for considering me as your coach. I know what it takes to commit the time, energy, and resources to your goals and it’s no joke. You are stronger than you think, let’s do this!